
Visit Forms page to view Membership Form

Section One

The membership of the Center shall consist of individuals who wish to abide by the organizations bylaws and satisfy the membership requirements specified in Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 listed below.

Section Two

An applicant or a renewing member shall testify in the basic beliefs of Islamic faith specifically:

1. Belief in Allah1.

2. Belief in Muhammad (PBUH)2 as the last of the Prophets.

3. Belief in the Books of Allah.

4. Belief in the Angels.

5. Belief in the Day of Judgment.

6. Belief in Qada’a and Qadr3.

Section Three

A person who belongs to a group that has deviated from the specified Islamic beliefs such as Quadianis, Druze, Bahaïs, Ahmadiyyehs, and Ismaïlis shall not be a member of the Center.

Section Four

A member must be at least eighteen years old.

Section Five

A member must either live or work in San Jose, California.

Section Six

One year uninterrupted membership is required for a member to be eligible to vote.

Section Seven

A membership shall terminate on occurrence of any of the following events:

(a) Resignation of the member;

(b) Expiration of the period of membership, unless the membership is renewed on the renewal terms fixed by the board;

(c) Termination of membership based on the good faith determination by a majority of the board, that the member has failed in a material and serious degree to meet the qualifications stated in Article IV Sections 2, 3, 5.

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1 - Allah: Arabic word for God.

2 - PBUH: Acronym for Peace Be Upon Him. The phrase or acronym follows the mention of the Prophet.

3 - Qada’a and Qadr: The principle of Divine decree, that all events are the will of God.